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Lawn maintenance - Best Tools and Tips

Lawn Maintenance Tips- Botanex

Why maintain your lawn? 

A well maintained lawn has many benefits from increasing your property's value, provide a pleasant place for kids and adults to play, lower the temperature of the area in summer and as a bonus, it will make your house and garden look more attractive overall.

Here are a few tips for lawn maintenance:

Top Dressing:

You must top dress in the growing season once the weather has warmed, NOT in winter. It is usually best to top dress in spring or as soon as you have reached your regular weekly mow. The earlier in the growing season the better. Generally late spring to early summer is best. Don't apply too thickly or it will tend to kill off patches of grass, depleting areas of light and oxygen. Annual application is best.

  • When: mid - late Spring
  • How often: minimum yearly, maximum 6 weekly intervals
  • How much: thin layer sand or light soil - (5 mm. to 1 cm.).

Tools for Top Dressing:

WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-430

WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-430


 WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-330

WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-330


WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Long Span Rake - 58cm - Head Only

WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Long Span Rake - 58cm - Head Only


BURGON & BALL Garden Ground Rake - RHS Endorsed

BURGON & BALL Garden Ground Rake - RHS Endorsed


Spiking / Aerating:

Why would you want holes in your lawn? Aerating supports deep root growth, which produces a strong and more luscious lawn for you to enjoy. What is ‘aerating’ exactly? It’s the task of perforating the turf and soil with small holes, which allows air, water and nutrients to soak in. When your soil becomes too compacted it tends prevent water and nutrients from being properly absorbed and essentially starve your lawn. 

When aerating your lawn, you want to make sure it will have adequate time to heal and fill any holes left in the soil. For this, you will want some moisture, so the peak of summer isn’t ideal. Autumn and spring are the perfect time to aerate and prepare your lawn for a summer of use. Remember to aerate only when the soil has received a good soaking - it's very hard to aerate a dry lawn. The plugs (little bits of dirt cores) will break down over time, just leave them as they are on the top of the lawn.

  • When: mid - late Spring and/or Autumn
  • How often: minimum yearly, maximum 6 monthly
  • How much: Spacing between holes: approx. 10cm

Tools for Aerating:

DRAPER 2 In 1 Lawn Aerator/Scarifier (1500W) 320mm


 DRAPER 2 In 1 Lawn Aerator/Scarifier (1500W) 320mm 


DRAPER TOOLS Heavy Duty Hollow Tine Lawn Aerator

DRAPER TOOLS Heavy Duty Hollow Tine Lawn Aerator 


DRAPER TOOLS Rolling Lawn Aerator (450mm Spiked Drum)

DRAPER TOOLS Rolling Lawn Aerator (450mm Spiked Drum)

CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip YardBREATHER® Aerator

CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip YardBREATHER® Aerator


Raking / Scarifying

If you have anything other than a pure Rye grass lawn (a cool climate grass) it will need dethatching or scarifying at some point. Generally the finer the lawn the more care it will require. These fine lawns can look great with the right care but do build up layers of thatch quite quickly.

Thatch layers of 1 inch or more become barriers instead of benefits. Thick thatch blocks water and fertilizer, and grass roots get trapped in thatch, where they're vulnerable to heat, drought and stress. When this happens the lawn starts to feel spongy underfoot.  Water from irrigation can accumulate in the thatch layer, too, so grass roots suffocate from lack of air. 

  • When: mid - late Spring and/or Autumn
  • How often: annually
  • How much: 2mm - 4mm

Tools for Scarifying:


DRAPER 2 In 1 Lawn Aerator/Scarifier (1500W) 320mm

DRAPER 2 In 1 Lawn Aerator/Scarifier (1500W) 320mm 

WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Scarifying Roller Rake - Head Only

WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Scarifying Roller Rake - Head Only 


WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Scarifying Rake - Head Only

WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Scarifying Rake - Head Only


This is a tricky one as all lawns have different moisture needs so there is not a one sizes fits all answer to this question. Very often our lawn watering schedule in Australia is dictated by local water regulations especially during a drought. Sometimes this can also include being allowed to only water 'by a hand held hose'

There are however, some universal tips for all lawn watering to remember:

  • Water in the early morning or evening. This limits water wastage due to excessive evaporation 
  • If the above maintenance tips are followed, whatever watering schedule you choose will be more effective. 
  • If possible set up a sprinkler system or pulsating sprinkler if your local regulations allow it. This is more time-efficient than hand held watering and obtains a better coverage.
  • Do not overwater during cooler months
  • Apply a wetting agent. This assist in water absorption into the soil, so water is absorbed properly into the waxy layer of the soil.

Tools for Watering:

DRAMM ColourStorm Oscillating Garden Sprinkler

DRAMM ColourStorm Oscillating Garden Sprinkler

DRAMM ColourStorm Spinning Monarch Garden Sprinkler

 DRAMM ColourStorm Spinning Monarch Garden Sprinkler 


DRAMM ColourStorm Whirling 3 arm Garden Sprinkler 

DRAMM ColourStorm Whirling 3 arm Garden Sprinkler

See Botanex's best lawn watering Tools from Dramm HERE


Mowing & Edging:

Now this is probably the most universally enjoyed tasks in the garden, surveying a freshly mowed lawn always seems to make it all worthwhile! There's nothing like getting out there on a balmy summer morning mowing your lawn and enjoying the scent of fresh cut grass!

Even though a fresh mowed lawn makes your garden look instantly neater this is where the devil is in the details...Don't forget the edges! Leaving the edges messy on a lawn is a bit like vacuuming your carpet but leaving crumbs and dead flies next to the skirting boards!

Here are out top edging tools:

Tools for Edging:


BURGON & BALL Lawn Edging Shears - Long Handled

 BURGON & BALL Lawn Edging Shears - Long Handled 


CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip EdgeMASTER® Lawn Edger

CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip EdgeMASTER® Lawn Edger 


BURGON & BALL Half Moon Lawn Edger - RHS Endorsed

BURGON & BALL Half Moon Lawn Edger - RHS Endorsed 


BURGON & BALL Single Handed Grass Shear

BURGON & BALL Single Handed Grass Shear 


WOLF GARTEN Battery Powered Grass Shear - 100mm

WOLF GARTEN Battery Powered Grass Shear - 100mm 


WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Lawn Edger - Star Wheel - Head Only

WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Lawn Edger - Star Wheel - Head Only



Ahh. weeding. Either you find it a chore or relaxing. either way, its got to be done if you want a spikey free, weed free outdoor oasis. If you dislike chemicals, or just come across a pesky patch of dandelions, we have the gear for back saving de-weeding!

BURGON & BALL Lawn Weeding Knife

BURGON & BALL Lawn Weeding Knife


CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip WeedDESTROYER® Weeding Tool

CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip WeedDESTROYER® Weeding Tool


WOLF GARTEN Ergo Garden Weeder Tool

WOLF GARTEN Ergo Garden Weeder Tool 


WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Weed Extractor - Head Only

WOLF GARTEN Multi-Change Weed Extractor - Head Only



The very best time for lawn fertilization is in the spring, when the soil temperature—not the air temperature—reaches 12º C. You’ll know when the soil warms up to 12ºC because the lilacs and rhododendrons will begin to blossom and the grass will start growing. One aspect of successful fertilization is to spread your choice of fertilizer correctly. this can be done with the assistance of a fertilizer spreader.

  • When: mid - late Spring and/or Autumn
  • How often: during growing season every 6-8 weeks
  • How much: use a slow release complete lawn fertilizer granule type,  spread using a lawn spreader

WOLF GARTEN Hand Held Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-B

WOLF GARTEN Hand Held Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-B


WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-430

WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-430


 WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-330

WOLF GARTEN Lawn Fertilizer Spreader / Seed Drill WE-330 


If you want to fill grassless areas without the expense of buying and installing turf you van use a nifty soil. This is suiter to runner grasses.

a soil plugger creates properly sized holes to accept standard 3-in. grass and sod plugs and the quick release plunger efficiently removes sod plugs.


CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip Lawn & SodPLUGGER™

 CORONA ComfortGEL® Grip Lawn & SodPLUGGER™

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