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Thick and airy double-fermented pizza dough by Ziipa Pizza Ovens

Elevate your pizza making to the next level with this incredible dough recipe to suit your Ziipa Pizza Oven! 



Pizza dough

Preparation and rest time: 48 hours 

Ingredients for 6 pizzas:

1kg of flour type 00
700 ml of water
6 gr of fresh baker's yeast (brewer's yeast)
25 g of salt
5 gr of honey
10 gr of extra virgin olive oil

Phase 1: Preparation and rest time: 22 hours

300 gr of type 00 flour
300 ml of water
6 gr of fresh baker's yeast (brewer's yeast)
5 gr of honey


1. Put the water in a large bowl and dissolve the fresh brewer's yeast in it and add the honey once the yeast is well dissolved.

2. Add the water and mix with a spoon to obtain a fairly liquid and homogeneous mixture.

3. Close your bowl tightly with a suitable lid.

4. Let the mixture rise for the first fermentation for at least 20 hours in a cool place (fridge)


Phase 2: Preparation and rest time: 24 hours

700 gr of flour type 00
400 ml of water
10 gr of extra virgin olive oil
25 gr of salt


1. Take out your mixture and let it come to room temperature for an hour.

2. Once the mixture has warmed up, add the 400 ml of water and mix with a spoon. At the beginning, you can mix with your hands, then finish with your spoon so that the mixture is homogeneous.

3. Mix the salt and flour and add the flour and salt little by little. Once all the flour has been incorporated, remove the dough from the bowl and knead by hand for 15 minutes to obtain a smooth dough.

4. Then add the olive oil and knead for another 10 minutes.

5. Cover the dough with cling film and leave to rest for 15 minutes.

6. Oil (olive oil) a large clean bowl and place the ball made in it.

7. Close your bowl tightly with a suitable lid.

8. Let the mixture rise for the second fermentation for at least 20 hours in the fridge (fridge).

9. Take the bowl out of the cooler and let it come to room temperature for an hour.

10. Take the ball out of the bowl and make 6 balls of 250g each but be careful WITHOUT MIXING IT AGAIN, the 250g pieces of dough must be rolled in the palms of the hands, making sure to close them well to prevent air from entering. go inside.

11. Place the dough pieces in a floured box, leave space between each piece of dough.

12. Leave to rise for another 3 hours at room temperature.

13. Roll out each piece of dough with your fingers without ever using a rolling pin, and form a round pizza dough.

14. Garnish and cook for a maximum of 90 seconds in your Ziipa Piana oven

Click HERE to choose your Ziipa Pizza Oven and Accessories:


Recipe courtesy:  March 2022

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