AUSTRALIAN owned and operated out of 14 Loftus St, Bowral, NSW - Ph: 02 4879 9373

Why Gardening Gloves are Essential for Safe and Comfortable Gardening in Australia

Gardening is a favourite pastime for many people in Australia, but it's important to remember to prioritise safety and comfort while spending time outdoors. With the abundance of plants with thorns and spikes, insects, and the harsh sun in the sky, it's essential to have the proper protective gear. In this blog, we'll discuss the importance of gardening gloves and why they should be considered a garden essential.

Garden gloves provide a barrier between your skin and any potential irritants, including prickly plants and thorns, which can cause cuts, blisters, and skin irritation. They also protect your hands from insect bites and stings, ensuring worry-free gardening.

Gardening gloves are available in lightweight materials that are breathable, allowing your hands to stay cool while working in the garden. This makes it possible to work for extended periods without discomfort. Additionally, gloves made from lightweight materials also provide excellent grip, allowing you to handle garden tools and other objects with ease.


We stock many premium brands including Burgon & Ball from the UK, Annabel Trends from Australia, Garden Glory from America, Barebones from America and our own Botanex brand.

Another important aspect of outdoor safety is sun protection. Gardeners and homeowners are at risk of sunburn and skin cancer, which is why it's important to wear a wide brim hat while working in the garden. A hat with a wide brim will provide additional sun protection and keep you cool, making gardening a more enjoyable experience.

Wearing a wide brimmed hat while gardening in Australia is an essential aspect of outdoor safety. In Australia, skin cancer is a major health concern and it's estimated that two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they're 70. The harsh sun in Australia can cause sunburn and skin cancer, making it vital to protect yourself while spending time outdoors.

According to Cancer Council Australia, in 2020, over 14,000 melanomas were removed from individuals in the country. By wearing a wide brimmed hat, you can help protect yourself from the sun and reduce your risk of skin cancer. As Cancer Council Australia states, "Sun protection is crucial in reducing the risk of skin cancer." (Source: Cancer Council Australia, 2021)

We stock a huge range of high quality hats by Sunday Afternoons, as well as other well known brands such as Tilley and Rigon Headwear.

Gardening gloves and a wide brim hat are essential pieces of protective gear for anyone who spends time gardening in Australia. They provide comfort and protection from the elements, including the sun, prickly plants, and insects. Investing in a pair of comfortable and durable gardening gloves will allow you to enjoy worry-free gardening and keep you protected while you work in your garden.

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